Turkey Bacon Stirfry

Stirfry is another thing that I make a lot, next to meal-sized salads. I like it because it takes so little time to cut up a few things, throw it in a pan, and make a quick escape out of the most intense room in the house. But when I'm not being taught my place, taking the time to cook something in a relaxed setting and put all my warm hippie love energy into it, is a thoroughly rewarding experience.

If you have the time and no one is blasting Praise The Lord from the next room, shouting racial slurs or shooting cats off the back fence, I would highly recommend cooking as a thing to do right after yoga.

Now let's talk about bacon.

For not being made of pork, turkey bacon is as much as I could ever hope for. I clung to it like a desperate rebound of a meatstuff, helping to compulsively distract me from the dismal emptiness of a great love's loss.

1/2 clove of garlic, minced
1 red onion slice, minced
2 celery sticks
2 mini sweet peppers
1 slice of free-range turkey bacon
A handful of frozen green beans
A handful of baby spinach
Combine in skillet with about 1 tbsp coconut oil, salt and pepper to taste.
From the moment I opened the 'fridge, locked eyes with that glistening pile of raw turkey flesh, and envisioned its carnivorous goodness dancing to sexy 70s-inspired house beats inside my face, I knew it was destiny. A course of events was already set in motion, and it was going to end in bacon.

I stared down at the package, a proverbial Pandora's box now opened, exposing meatslab upon cold meatslab, to the unrelenting elements of the kitchen. For it was then I realized that within the week, I would be making more meat dishes, if I wanted to keep it all from going to waste.

My downward spiral had begun...


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